We went to go see the Dr. a couple of weeks ago and he tested Abby's zinc level again, nut allergies, and checked her for yeast. We were checking her IgE level (which indicates food allergy over food sensitivity which is shown on the IgG) because she threw up after eating a peanut, cashew, and almond. I knew she had been exposed to almond and peanut before so I suspected cashew. Sure enough that is what it was. Now we will have to be careful about foods with cashews in them as she could have a more serious reaction if she exposed again.
Her zinc was normal which means her supplement is working. Unfortunately she came back positive for yeast in her gut. The doctor would like her to go on a antifungal medication to get rid of the yeast. Apparently yeast in the gut can cause many issues such as dizziness, brain fog, inattention, mood swings, etc. Hopefully treating the yeast will help her feel better.
She has started in a food therapy group where she works with two other children to over come her issues with trying new foods. I have hopes for all of this but I am feeling overwhelmed and exhausted these days.